A noun can also be something more abstract, like a quality or an idea ( love, honesty, health).Ģ. A noun can be a concrete thing ( ball, dog, Sally, park, New York City).ī. Noun: A noun is a naming word, usually described as a person, place or thing.Ī. Parts of speech are important in determining how a word should be used, and recognizing the part of speech of a given word is essential to having correct grammar. Some scholars also consider articles a ninth part of speech, and to be thorough we will consider articles as well. These are: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions and interjections. There are eight different types of words, commonly referred to as “parts of speech,” in the English language. Parts of a Sentence, Subject and Predicate.Stalactite/Stalagmite, Etymology and History.Pluto, (Former) Ninth Planet from the Sun.Mercury (Hermes), First Planet from the Sun.Mars (Ares), Fourth Planet from the Sun.Mosquitoes: Etymology, History, and Habits.English-Greek-Latin Cross References V-Z.English-Greek-Latin Cross References T-U.English-Greek-Latin Cross References Q-S.English-Greek-Latin Cross References P-P.English-Greek-Latin Cross References N-O.English-Greek-Latin Cross References J-M.English-Greek-Latin Cross References G-I.English-Greek-Latin Cross References D-F.English-Greek-Latin Cross References C-C.English-Greek-Latin Cross References B-B.English-Greek-Latin Cross References A-A.Capnophobia (Fumiphobia), Etymology and History.Capnomania (Fumimania), Etymology and History.Anesthesia, the Medical Lack of Feeling.Reading Strategies – Learning Vocabulary.How do you use gerunds and infinitives?.ESL Grammar and Vocabulary – Conditional Sentences.TOEFLesque Quiz – Cable TV in San Francisco.Learning Prepositions: Bruce Springstein Lyrics.Idioms, Slang and Phrasal Verbs: Expressions with Book.Do the Right Thing – Halfway Through: Discussion.Dead Man Walking – After You Watch: Discussion.Complex Sentence Structure: Song Lyrics.Idioms, Slang and Phrasal Verbs: Expressions with “Mouth”.

Grammar and Vocabulary Quiz – Phrasal Verbs.TOEFLesque Quiz – Public Transit in San Francisco.Simple Past and Past Progressive Exercise.Prepositions of Location: Making Dinner.One of These Things is Not Like the Other.Business Expressions: Using the Verb “Sign”.Newsweek Reading and Vocabulary Exercise.Low Prep Ideas for Using Music in ESL Classrooms.Ideas for Using Authentic Texts with Low-level ESL Classes.ESL Lesson Plan: Entertainment Scavenger Hunt.ESL Grammar Practice Activities – Noun Clauses – Error Correction.ESL Activity: Writing a Letter in English.The Value of Learning a Second Language.TESOL/TEFL Certification for Teaching English.A Resource Guide to English as a Second Language (ESL).Search Lessons Search for: English Help, English Resources, and English Lessons